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The Icon: the joy of high-rise living

By | cip, Cyprus, Investment, Latest Posts, Uncategorized

54 immaculately designed residences are delivered fully finished with inspired interiors and outdoor living spaces designed by Imperio’s award-winning team.

All of these unique residences were designed to gracefully frame views of the city of Limassol, the coastline and the sky offering an effortless sense of ease and relaxation.

Discover the benefits of investing in a second home and acquiring the European citizenship or a Permanent Resident Permit (PR). Contact our well-trained Customer Service team for more information on the immigration programmes of Cyprus and our properties.


Visit The Icon for more information.

New Board of Directors for the Limassol Chamber of Commerce and Industry

By | Cyprus

Yiannis Misirlis, Director at Imperio, was elected as a Member of Board of Directors of the Limassol Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) at the 56th Annual General Meeting, which took place on October 23rd at the Limassol Chamber. The tenure applies for the years 2017-2020.

The Annual General Meeting commenced with a speech by Mr Nicos Kouyialis, the Cyprus Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment, representing the Government and spoke about issues related to the positive developments within the Cyprus economy. Mr Costas Galatoriotis was re-elected this year as President of the Board of the LCCI.

The LCCI was established in 1962, and currently represents over 750 companies, with the aim to protect the interests of Limassol’s business community as well as encourage the economic development and sustainable growth in Limassol.

Article can be found here.


Recipe for the sweetest Christmas ever!

By | Uncategorized

What we need:

  • 140 grams of love in our home with friends
  • 100 grams of smiles that last
  • 50 grams of songs
  • 30 grams of chestnuts roasted over the fireplace
  • 1/2 tsp. of fresh snow with friends at Troodos
  • 1 cup of gifts for everyone

Directions: Blend all ingredients and enjoy!
Imperio hopes you follow this easy and quick recipe, and ensures you the sweetest Christmas ever!

Merry Christmas and happy holidays!


Go Green!

By | Social Initiative

Μέσα στα πλαίσια της εταιρική κοινωνικής ευθύνης του Ομίλου Imperio, καθιερώνεται η ‘Πράσινη Εβδομάδα’ (GreenOfficeWeek). Από τις 29 Ιουνίου 2015 μέχρι στις 3 Ιουλίου σύσσωμοι το προσωπικό, η διεύθυνση και οι συνεργάτες αφιερώνουν λίγα λεπτά για κάθε μέρα αυτής της εβδομάδας για ένα καλύτερο περιβάλλον.

Το πρόγραμμα της Πράσινης Εβδομάδας περιλαμβάνει καθαρισμό παραλιών, δενδροφύτευση σε πάρκα, μικρές διαλέξεις για υιοθέτηση ενός διαφορετικού τρόπου ζωής φιλικότερου προς το περιβάλλον, εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας για μια ώρα κάθε ημέρα για την εβδομάδα αυτή.

Ο Αλέξανδρος Χριστοφόρου επικεφαλής της προσπάθειας αυτής σχολίασε: ‘ Η Κύπρος σαν κράτος κάνει αρκετά βήματα για να καταφέρει να γίνει φιλικότερη προς το περιβάλλον αλλά δε φτάνει μόνο αυτό, πρέπει και σαν πολίτες ο καθένας μας ξεχωριστά να νοιαστούμε για το χώρο που ζούμε και να εκτιμήσουμε όλα τα αγαθά που μας δίνει απλόχερα η φύση.  Το λιγότερο λοιπόν που θα μπορούσαμε να κάνουμε είναι να φροντίσουμε να περιορίσουμε τα απορρίμματα που κληροδοτούμε στον τόπο μας ώστε να συνεχίσουμε για πολλά ακόμη χρόνια να απολαμβάνουμε την ομορφιά της Κύπρου μας.’

Ας κάνουμε λοιπόν την Κύπρο μας ακόμη πιο όμορφη.

Imperio’s Environmental Policy: http://www.imperio-group.com/environmental-policy

Elite Residences: Modern Living Space

By | Elite Residences, Permanent Residence Permit

Elite Residences is designed and built to exceed the expectations of even the most sophisticated and demanding home-buyers.

These remarkable 2-bed properties offer the highest standard of living with exceptional amenities within Limassol.

Available for immediate occupation. Elite Residences qualifies for Permanent Residence Permit and Citizenship Schemes.

Please contact our well-trained Customer Service team for more information on the immigration programme and our properties.

Limassol Bay Residences: Exceptionally Designed

By | Limassol Bay Residences, Permanent Residence Permit

Located just 200m from the coastline, Limassol Bay Residences is one of Limassol’s most prestigious new residential developments, offering outstanding apartments and penthouses of exceptional quality.

Limassol Bay Residences qualifies for Permanent Residence Permit and Citizenship Schemes.

Please contact our well-trained Customer Service team for more information on the immigration programme and our properties.

Belvedere Residences: One of a kind in Limassol

By | Belvedere Residences, Permanent Residence Permit

A new prime Limassol development by Imperio promises adorable panoramic breathtaking views. Belvedere Residences is expected to offer the most desirable apartments in Limassol combining contemporary architectural design, functionality and amazing views of the city.

All properties at Belvedere Residences qualify for Permanent Residence Permit and Citizenship Schemes.

Please contact our well-trained Customer Service team for more information on the immigration programme and our properties.


Design Lovers

By | Limassol Bay Residences, Permanent Residence Permit

Located just 200m from the coastline, Limassol Bay Residences is one of Limassol’s most prestigious new residential developments, offering outstanding apartments and penthouses of exceptional quality.

Limassol Bay Residences qualifies for Permanent Residence Permit and Citizenship Schemes.

Please contact our well-trained Customer Service team for more information on the immigration programme and our properties.


Happy Mother’s Day! #ImperioMummyMe

By | Uncategorized

Ανεβάστε μια φωτογραφία “Mummy & Me” με εσάς και τη μητέρα σας στη σελίδα της Imperio Properties (www.facebook.com/imperioproperties) και κερδίστε μια θεραπεία spa από το Limegrove Spa & Fitness at Limassol Marina αξίας €180 για δυο άτομα!

Χρησιμοποιείστε τα hashtags ‪#‎CreatingMemories‬ ‪#‎ImperioMummyMe‬ και κάνετε tag την @Imperio Properties.

Κάθε φωτογραφία που ανεβάζετε μετράει ως μια συμμετοχή.

Ο τυχερός νικητής/νικήτρια θα επιλεγεί με κλήρωση στο τέλος του διαγωνισμού 10/5/2015.