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Tree planting event Imperio 2023

Πρασινίζει η Φασούλα με φύτευση 350 δέντρων από την Imperio

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Οργανωμένη εταιρική δενδροφύτευση στη Φασούλα, μια εκ των κοινοτήτων που πλήγηκε από την καταστροφική πυρκαγιά που σημειώθηκε τον περασμένο Αύγουστο, πραγματοποίησε η Imperio.

Μέλη του προσωπικού της Imperio βρέθηκαν στην κοινότητα της ημιορεινής Λεμεσού, όπου φύτευσαν, σε χώρο που τους υποδείχθηκε από το Κοινοτικό Συμβούλιο, 350 χαρουπιές.

Tree planting event Imperio 2023

Η επιλογή της φύτευσης χαρουπιών δεν είναι τυχαία, καθώς το συγκεκριμένο είδος αποτελεί  μια από τις κυριότερες καλλιέργειες της κοινότητας. Μάλιστα, στη Φασούλα φιλοξενείται και το Μουσείο Χαρουπιών.

Η Ιmperio κάλυψε το κόστος αγοράς των δέντρων και ανέλαβε την φύτευσή τους, στηρίζοντας με το τρόπο αυτό τους πληγέντες και συμβάλλοντας στην γενικότερη προσπάθεια για αντιμετώπιση της κλιματικής αλλαγής.

Σε δήλωσή του o CEO της Ιmperio, Nικόλας Αγιομαμίτης, τόνισε: «Η Imperio παραμένει πιστή στη δέσμευσή της για δράσεις και πρωτοβουλίες που έχουν στόχο την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος. Αντιλαμβανόμενοι τις τραγικές συνέπειες της κλιματικής αλλαγής, σε όλα τα επίπεδα της ζωής μας, η Εταιρεία μας συνεισφέρει ενεργά στην προσπάθεια για δεντροφυτεύσεις στην πόλη αλλά και στις ορεινές και ημιορεινές περιοχές με στόχο τη δημιουργία πνευμόνων πρασίνου για καλύτερη ποιότητα ζωής».

Στο πλαίσιο της παγκόσμιας στρατηγικής ESG (Περιβάλλον-Κοινωνία-Διακυβέρνηση) που υλοποιεί, η Imperio έχει από  καιρό υιοθετήσει πράσινες πολιτικές στην υλοποίηση των έργων της, αντιλαμβανόμενη τη σημαντικότητά τους τόσο στη βιωσιμότητα των κτηριακών εγκαταστάσεων που δημιουργεί, όσο και στην ευρύτερη προσπάθεια διάσωσης του πλανήτη. Το έργο Sunset Gardens που αναπτύσσει η Eταιρεία στη δυτική Λεμεσό, αποτελεί πρότυπο πράσινης ανάπτυξης. Σημειώνεται ότι το έργο, πέραν των άλλων βιώσιμων χαρακτηριστικών που διαθέτει, περιλαμβάνει τη φύτευση 40,000 δέντρων και φυτών.

Πηγή: alphanews.live

blood donation Imperio 2023

Εθελοντική αιμοδοσία από την Imperio

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Δεκάδες εργαζόμενοι της Εταιρείας και πολίτες συμμετείχαν στην ανθρωπιστική αυτή προσπάθεια

Eθελοντική, ανοικτή αιμοδοσία διοργάνωσε την Δευτέρα 27 Νοεμβρίου 2023 η Imperio, σε συνεργασία με το Κέντρο Αίματος, για την ενίσχυση της τράπεζας αίματος, ενόψει και των αυξημένων αναγκών που αναμένεται να προκύψουν κατά την περίοδο των γιορτών των Χριστουγέννων.

Δεκάδες εργαζόμενοι της Imperio αλλά και απλοί πολίτες ανταποκρίθηκαν στο κάλεσμα της Εταιρείας και έσπευσαν στο χώρο για να συμμετάσχουν, συνεισφέροντας στον τόσο σημαντικό αυτό σκοπό.

Σε δήλωσή του ο CEO της Ιmperio, Nικόλας Αγιομαμίτης εξέφρασε ικανοποίηση από την ανταπόκριση που έτυχε η αιμοδοσία, τονίζοντας ότι η Εταιρεία στηρίζει ενέργειες και δράσεις που βοηθούν τους πάσχοντες συνανθρώπους μας. Ευχαρίστησε τους αιμοδότες για το πολύτιμο δώρο τους  σε όλους όσοι έχουν ανάγκη, σημειώνοντας ότι ο αλτρουισμός και ο εθελοντισμός αποκτούν ακόμη μεγαλύτερη σημασία όταν προορίζονται σε ό,τι πιο πολύτιμο έχει ο άνθρωπος, την υγεία του.

Ο κ. Αγιομαμίτης εξήρε το σπουδαίο, όπως το χαρακτήρισε, έργο που επιτελεί το Κέντρο Αίματος διαμηνύοντας ότι η προσφορά αίματος είναι δώρο ζωής για συνανθρώπους μας, οι οποίοι εκτάκτως ή σε τακτική βάση μεταγγίζονται. Διεμήνυσε, τέλος, ότι η Ιmperio θα συνεχίσει και θα εντατικοποιήσει περαιτέρω τις ανθρωπιστικές της δράσεις, στο πλαίσιο του κοινωνικού της ρόλου.

Πηγή: sigmalive.com


Yiannis Misirlis: “The Real Estate Sector Must Move Quickly to the Next Era”

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Imperio Founder & Director on Redrawing the Lines of Cyprus Real Estate

Yiannis Misirlis, the Founder and Director of Imperio Properties, has played a significant role in the development of Limassol’s real estate landscape. Established in 2004, Imperio has focused on creating properties that blend modern living with quality and design. The company has been recognized for its distinctive projects, and has crafted a distinguished portfolio of properties, each echoing a commitment to superior design, quality, and value. These properties are not just buildings but beacons of contemporary lifestyle, reflecting Imperio’s dedication to enhancing the quality of life in Cyprus.

In this interview, Yiannis Misirlis discusses Imperio’s progression over the last 20 years, touching on the company’s strategy and key projects. He explains how Imperio has adapted to market changes, focusing on sustainable development and responding to the industry’s ‘Great Repricing’ due to environmental considerations. Misirlis also shares insights into current trends in the Cyprus real estate market, with a particular emphasis on Limassol. He explores the increasing interest in sustainable and eco-friendly properties and how this aligns with Imperio’s projects, such as the Imperio House and Sunset Gardens. Additionally, Misirlis speaks about the challenges and opportunities in balancing housing supply with environmental and quality standards in urban development. Looking ahead, he offers his perspective on the future of housing and the construction sector’s shift towards more sustainable and efficient practices.

sunset gardens by Imperio

Over the past 20 years of successful operations, we have managed to make every single one of our projects stand out through innovative features, which distinguish us from the competition. Imperio, a pioneer in sustainability in Cyprus’ real estate sector, has always something new to offer through its projects, either in terms of architecture or interior design, with awards at pan-European level being an honour for the company and strong evidence of  its innovative nature.

Imperio boasts an impressive portfolio of 99 successfully executed projects, spanning to both commercial and residential developments. Guided by an unwavering vision, Imperio strives to weave sustainability and ingenuity into every project. Imperio’s ambition goes beyond mere construction; it aspires to develop properties with inherent value, elevating the very communities they become a part of, enriching society as a whole.

At Imperio we design and create projects that meet the needs of investors and residents alike, and offer a high quality of life, while following new trends and paying attention to the needs of the market. At the same time, we continue to focus on sustainability, ESG and sustainable investments, all of which are already applied to our projects. We believe that designing innovative, modern real estate is not enough. The real challenge for us is to make a difference to people’s lives by deeply understanding their needs and fulfilling their dreams. This is our main objective as we proceed with the implementation of new projects.

You mentioned the “Great Repricing” due to shifts in ESG awareness and rules. How is Imperio bracing itself for these changes, especially with the increased focus on sustainability?

As the Great Repricing unfolds, opportunities will arise for real-estate stakeholders, who understand how climate-related factors affect their portfolios and asset values and can respond in ways valued by tenants, lenders, and investors.

Climate-responsive strategies will help set us apart across the value chain. Companies that create reporting systems to support tenants, lenders, and investors in meeting their disclosure requirements will be more attractive as both partners and landlords. Landlords that help tenants reduce their carbon footprint through renovations and the installation of lower-carbon building systems, solar panels or EV chargers, may gain a competitive edge. Low-emission and low-risk individual buildings will also stand out in the real estate market. Therefore, climate-intelligent real estate developers will stand out from the competition.

Imperio is moving towards this goal, implementing projects whose main feature is sustainability, and aim at having a positive impact on the environment. One of these projects is Imperio House, the first Net Zero office building in Limassol, which can produce more energy than it consumes, meeting its energy needs entirely from renewable sources.

In addition, Sunset Gardens, Limassol’s first gated community and one of the most sustainable residential projects in Cyprus, is a prime example of ESG criteria implementation, which have been an integral part of our activities.

Imperio House

Sunset Gardens combines luxury with eco-friendly practices. Can you present its green features? Also, as the first gated community in Limassol, what prompted this concept and what benefits and challenges do you expect with such developments?

Imperio’s Sunset Gardens  is Limassol’s first gated community and one of the most sustainable residential projects in Cyprus. Developed in the rapidly growing area of Western Limassol, it is in close proximity to the largest casino-resort of the Mediterranean. The project, which boasts over 300 apartments and is expected to be completed by the end of this year, is a prime example of green development. Among other things, it features PVs that will power all its common areas (swimming pools, tennis courts, padel courts, streets, etc.), a sewage treatment and water supply system for its vast green areas (40,000 trees and plants), as well as a waste management system.

Real estate can help companies meet their targets to reduce carbon emissions, while encouraging tenants to make bigger investments in climate-ready real estate assets because of the long-term savings that stem from mitigating climate and regulatory risks. Insurance costs, utility costs, and other relevant costs (such as repairs and maintenance) could decrease in such buildings due to better infrastructure resilience.

In turn, these assets could have a higher value in practice, because of higher returns and favourable operating cost profiles.

In the bigger picture, which regions or types of properties are seeing the most demand in Cyprus right now? Why?

Limassol has emerged as the real estate hotspot of 2023, securing 35% of all property transactions. This trend is not a one-year wonder; it began in 2022, which demonstrates the city’s sustained appeal. Limassol is followed by Paphos (23%), Larnaca (19%), Nicosia (18%), and Famagusta (5%). Limassol also boasts Cyprus’ largest port and offers a wide range of premium properties, mainly luxury apartments.

There is a growing interest in sustainable and eco-friendly properties, reflecting a global shift towards environmentally conscious living. The requirement to adopt environmentally-friendly practices in real estate is expected to become more prevalent in the coming period due to increased demand. Millennials, who are currently the most important segment of the market, are environmentally sensitive and prioritise sustainability, energy efficiency and quality of life when deciding to buy a property. At the same time, demand for green business properties is also increasing, due to the growing trend of ESG adoption.

With the Green Tax Reform currently being developed in Cyprus, how do you anticipate it will influence the real estate sector, especially for developers like Imperio?

Green Tax Reforms typically aim to incentivise environmentally friendly practices and discourage activities that contribute to environmental degradation.

In the context of real estate, such reforms could potentially impact developers in several ways. They might face increased costs if the reform introduces taxes on carbon emissions, energy consumption, or other environmentally harmful practices. On the flip side, there could be financial incentives or tax breaks for eco-friendly construction methods, energy-efficient buildings, or the use of renewable energy sources.

Additionally, consumer preferences are shifting towards sustainable and environmentally conscious choices. Developers who adapt to these trends will benefit from a growing market for green buildings, potentially boosting demand for eco-friendly real estate.

The Icon, Limassol by Imperio

You’ve advocated for increasing housing supply as a solution to the affordability crisis. Do you foresee any risks of loosening quality and environmental standards in the pursuit of meeting demand?

Sustainable building practices and energy-efficient designs are essential for mitigating the environmental impact of urban development. Balancing the need for increased housing supply with maintaining a high quality and environmental standards is crucial in order to create sustainable and liveable communities. It requires a thoughtful and holistic approach that considers not only short-term housing needs but also long-term environmental and societal impacts.

To enhance the quality and sustainability of construction practices, a multifaceted approach is crucial. Firstly, regulatory frameworks must be fortified and further clarified, ensuring stringent adherence to building and environmental standards.

Simultaneously, incentivising sustainable practices is pivotal. Offering investors and developers tangible benefits such as tax breaks or grants, fosters a culture where they will want to meet quality and environmental benchmarks, thus promoting responsible construction.

Transparent certification systems play a pivotal role, providing consumers with informed choices and motivating developers to strive for elevated standards. This not only instils confidence but also cultivates a competitive environment centred on sustainability.

Additionally, a robust monitoring and auditing system should be established. Regular inspections ensure ongoing compliance, promptly identifying and rectifying any issues.

By combining regulatory measures, incentives, and a future-focused perspective, Cyprus can increase its housing supply without compromising on quality and environmental sustainability. This integrated approach ensures that current housing solutions pave the way for resilient, sustainable, and vibrant communities in the years ahead.

And lastly, how do you envision the homes of the future, say 50 years from now? What key features or designs do you believe will be predominant?

The era we live in has shown that even the slightest prediction, not only for the distant but also for the near future, can be risky. But life does not stop, nor does man stop dreaming of a better future for society and the common good.

The future of the construction sector will focus on sustainability and efficiency. The global construction sector is responsible for 40% of emissions released into the atmosphere. The concrete industry alone produces 2.8 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide and accounts for one tenth of the total amount of water used for industrial purposes. The construction sector must move quickly to the next era.

Construction will be more sustainable in terms of energy sources and material use, avoiding almost any waste. Some countries are already making progress in this direction, using timber, other natural products or even recycled plastic, replacing steel and concrete.

Tenants and investors will start looking out for emissions figures, risk disclosures, and emission-reduction plans. In the very near future, as climate change becomes more apparent, they will likely want to work with real estate companies that can provide reporting on current emissions and risks as well as solutions for their reduction.

sunset gardens by Imperio

What: Imperio Properties

Where: Limassol, Cyprus

More Infoimperioproperties.com

Who: Yiannis Misirlis is an entrepreneur, founder and director of Imperio Group, one of the most reputable property development and management firms in Cyprus, with studies at UCL in London and the Instituto de Empresa (IE) in Madrid. Mr Misirlis serves as Deputy Chairman of the Cyprus Land and Building Developers Association (LBDA). He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce & Industry (CCCI), where he serves as Chairman of the Real Estate Committee, working to promote sustainable growth and development in the region.


Source: ffwd.com.cy


The Icon Christmas Tree Lighting Event

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Join us for The Icon Christmas Tree Lighting event! 🎄

📅 Friday 1st of December | 6:00 PM

📍 The Icon, Limassol

Sip glühwein, savour gourmet hot dogs, and toast with rich and velvety hot chocolate.

Let’s kick off the festivities together under the twinkling lights! ✨

🎵 Christmas songs by children’s choir “Μελωδίες και Χρώματα” 🎵

Part of the proceeds will go to the Butterfly Foundation.


Tree-Planting event

Let’s Plant a Tree

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Join us for a Tree Planting Event 🌳

📅 Saturday 25th of November | 09:00 AM

📍 Fasoula, Limassol

We are planting 350 trees, one for each apartment in Sunset Gardens.

Sunset Gardens is committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. We are proud to be one of the most environmentally friendly residential developments in Cyprus.

For the construction of Sunset Gardens, not only did we not cut down trees, but we used them, integrating them into the design of the project. Sunset Gardens meets its energy needs to a significant extent from renewable energy sources. It has PV panels, a water treatment and use system for watering the green areas, as well as a waste management system.

In addition, the project, framed by 40,000 trees and plants, combines the conveniences of city living with living in a natural environment, offering peace of mind and well-being to its residents and visitors.


Φοιτητές του ΤΕΠΑΚ ξεναγήθηκαν στο Sunset Gardens

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Φοιτητές του Τμήματος Πολιτικών Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Γεωπληροφορικής του ΤΕΠΑΚ φιλοξένησε πριν από μερικές ημέρες η Imperio. Οι τριτοετείς φοιτητές επισκέφθηκαν το Sunset Gardens, το πρώτο gated community της Λεμεσού και ένα από τα πιο βιώσιμα οικιστικά έργα της Κύπρου, θέλοντας να δουν από κοντά τα ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά της συγκεκριμένης ανάπτυξης.

Οι φοιτητές ξεναγήθηκαν στους χώρους του έργου, επιδεικνύοντας έντονο ενδιαφέρον για τα καινοτόμα συστήματα που έχουν εγκατασταθεί, όπως το σύστημα φωτοβολταϊκών, διαχείρισης απορριμμάτων και αυτό της επεξεργασίας και χρήσης του νερού για ύδρευση των χώρων πρασίνου,  τα οποία καθιστούν το Sunset Gardens πρότυπο πράσινης ανάπτυξης.


Ο Project Manager του Sunset Gardens, Γιάννης Κυριακίδης, έκανε μια εκτενή παρουσίαση, στο πλαίσιο της οποίας:

  • Επεξήγησε τους όρους της περιβαλλοντικής μελέτης του έργου και πως αυτοί υλοποιήθηκαν
  • Εστίασε σε θέματα προστασίας του περιβάλλοντος και ομαλής ένταξης των έργων ανάπτυξης στο περιβάλλον
  • Μίλησε για τον γενικότερο ρόλο των Μηχανικών στην καθολική προσπάθεια προστασίας του περιβάλλοντος και, τέλος
  • Αναφέρθηκε στην γενικότερη εταιρική κουλτούρα της Imperio για την πράσινη/βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη, μέσα από τη δημιουργία έργων που σέβονται το περιβάλλον και την ευεξία των ενοίκων

Οι φοιτητές παρακολούθησαν με ενδιαφέρον την παρουσίαση του κ. Κυριακίδη, ο οποίος στη συνέχεια απάντησε σε σειρά ερωτημάτων τους, τόσο για θέματα πράσινων αναπτύξεων όσο και για τις προοπτικές εργοδότησης τα αμέσως επόμενα χρόνια, στον τομέα των κατασκευών.

«Με μεγάλη χαρά υποδεχθήκαμε στο Sunset Gardens τους τριτοετείς φοιτητές του Τμήματος Πολιτικών Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Γεωπληροφορικής του ΤΕΠΑΚ. Το μεγάλο ενδιαφέρον τους για τις σύγχρονες τεχνολογίες και γενικότερα τις πράσινες αναπτύξεις μας γεμίζει αισιοδοξία ότι η ολική μετάβαση του κυπριακού real estate προς τη βιωσιμότητα δεν είναι τόσο μακριά, όσο κάποιοι πιστεύουν. Η Imperio στηρίζει τους νέους επιστήμονες του τομέα των κατασκευών και είναι πάντα έτοιμη να προσφέρει πληροφορίες και συμβουλές μέσα από την πολυετή εμπειρία και τεχνογνωσία της», ανέφερε σε δήλωσή του ο κ. Κυριακίδης.

Η ανάπτυξη Sunset Gardens στη δυτική Λεμεσό, που αποτελείται από 330 κατοικίες, κατανεμημένες σε μοντέρνου σχεδιασμού κτήρια τριών και τεσσάρων ορόφων, σχεδιάστηκε με πλήρη προσανατολισμό προς τη βιωσιμότητα και την αειφορία. Το έργο καλύπτει τις ενεργειακές του ανάγκες σε ένα σημαντικό βαθμό από ανανεώσιμες πηγές ενέργειας. Διαθέτει φωτοβολταϊκά, σύστημα επεξεργασίας και χρήσης του νερού για ύδρευση των χώρων πρασίνου, καθώς επίσης και σύστημα διαχείρισης απορριμμάτων. Πρόκειται για μια από τις πιο φιλικές προς το περιβάλλον οικιστικές αναπτύξεις στην Κύπρο.

Επιπλέον το έργο, που πλαισιώνεται από 40,000 δέντρα και φυτά, συνδυάζει τις ευκολίες της διαμονής στην πόλη με τη ζωή σε ένα  φυσικό περιβάλλον, προσφέροντας ψυχική ηρεμία και ευεξία στους κατοίκους και επισκέπτες του.

Οι εργασίες κατασκευής του Sunset Gardens αναμένεται να περατωθούν στα τέλη του 2023.


Source: Alphanews


Long term UK expats may face huge UK tax charges

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“The latest numbers from HMRC show people are passing on more and more to the taxman rather than their loved ones.” – The Daily Mail.

UK expats who have lived abroad for many years often remain UK-domiciled and therefore liable to UK Inheritance Tax (IHT). The rate of this tax might be considered penal. It is currently 40% on the total value of the estate of a deceased after the exemptions. It is an additional tax payable on capital accumulated during lifetime upon which tax has already been paid.

Many UK nationals who have lived abroad long term may assume their liabilities to UK tax have ended. Probably they are no longer liable to UK income and capital gains tax except on UK source gains and income – but they may well remain liable to UK IHT!

It is difficult to change a domicile. The default position is that those who acquired a UK domicile of origin at birth – 99% of all UK nationals born in the UK – will keep that UK domicile for their entire lives, and with it their liability to UK IHT.

It is possible for UK persons to acquire a new domicile of choice and it is hugely advantageous to do so. Any long-term foreign residents can potentially lose their UK domicile and acquire a new domicile of choice in their new country of long-term residence. That is the only way to lose their liability to UK IHT.

Legally, the test is simple and there is only one. Has the taxpayer formed the intent to remain in their new country indefinitely? If the answer is ‘yes’, that person is now domiciled in this new country. All the facts and circumstances are evidential but none of them are definitive apart from this test of ‘intent’. But convincing the UK tax authority (HMRC) of this is not so simple.

If the evidence to support the claim of a new domicile of choice is not accumulated and documented during the lifetime of the taxpayer, it will be very difficult for their executors to convince HMRC that there has been a change of domicile. It is vital that steps are taken during the taxpayer’s lifetime to properly document their intentions and obtain an opinion from UK counsel that a new domicile has been acquired. That opinion will rarely be challenged unless the facts and circumstances change or it has been obtained under false pretences by, for example, giving counsel incorrect facts or, much more importantly, misleading counsel about intent. An opinion confirming that a new domicile has been established is the Holy Grail and will give the best possible protection. It used to be the case that HMRC would confirm a domicile. They will no longer do that.

All a person’s facts and circumstances are relevant, but none are definitive. Generally, it will be impossible to get HMRC to agree that a new domicile has been acquired for the first six or seven years of a taxpayer living abroad but thereafter, if the facts and circumstances corroborate that statement of intent, there is a good chance that a new domicile has been or can be acquired.

For this to happen it is necessary to show permanence in the new country through such things as acquiring property and establishing social and economic ties.

One such strong tie is marrying a local resident but that brings its own trap. Transfers between spouses are normally exempt. The rationale here is that the spouse may well need the wealth for support so the tax bites only when the assets are passed to the next generation, so the tax is only delayed and not avoided. However, that applies only if both are UK domiciled. If the donee is not domiciled there would be no UK IHT on the next gift, so the tax is charged immediately. Thus, if a UK domiciled person marries a foreign national the likelihood is that the exemption does not apply.

Losing ties with the UK is also extremely helpful but it is not essential. For instance, owning UK residential property is by no means fatal. It is necessary only to show that the taxpayer has greater connections with a new country than he or she has retained with the UK. But still, it is the question of intent that is definitive in law.

One of the leading cases on domicile involves a Cypriot man, the late Andreas Nathanael, who died suddenly in London in 2003. In Cyganik v Agulian, the Court of Appeal held that the deceased had retained his foreign domicile of origin in Cyprus despite being habitually resident in the UK for 43 years before his death. His retention of strong ties with his country of origin carried weight with the court. These ties included the ownership of two flats in Cyprus, close family members in Cyprus (daughter and granddaughter), lengthy return trips to Cyprus, a Cyprus identity card providing him with local rights, and documented attempts to purchase a home and a hotel in Cyprus.

It is easy to see – and logical – that the reverse should also be true. A UK national spending 40 years in a new country may not necessarily lose his or her UK domicile.

Other leading cases are Gaines-Cooper and Barlow Clowes International Ltd & Ors v Henwood. Both those cases involved UK nationals who had spent long periods of time abroad but had retained UK connections and failed to establish sufficient connections in one place (because they had travelled extensively) to convince HMRC that they had truly lost their UK domicile. In both cases, this failure had severe tax consequences.

UK IHT is obviously only payable after death so while the taxpayer may not suffer their surviving family members certainly will. Most (if not all) taxpayers would much sooner that their hard-earned assets went to their families rather than to HMRC.

Long term expats can face another trap. Even if they have done sufficient to establish a new domicile of choice wherever they currently live, if they leave that country and move elsewhere they will lose that new domicile and revert back to their UK domicile of origin. The revived UK domicile is likely to remain in place unless and until they have been in their new country of residence for sufficient time to claim a new domicile of choice in their new country. That is likely to take some time.

The risk is obvious. The liability to UK IHT at 40% is revived and remains in place for several years until a second and new domicile of choice can be established. This is why the standard advice is that as soon as UK domicile is lost, that opportunity is used to transfer wealth into trust. Assets held in trust remain outside the scope of UK IHT forever unless the UK person returns to the UK. If they go to a third country their UK taxable estate does not include assets in trust, so UK IHT is reduced accordingly. A reviving UK domicile has caught out many long-term UK expats. For example, there are many who were living for many years in Hong Kong but have now moved to Portugal and elsewhere following Covid in Hong Kong and certain political changes. They had lost their UK IHT liability, but it has now been revived. If they have not done the appropriate planning their estates are at risk.

Those who cannot establish a new domicile can still substantially reduce their UK IHT liability in other ways.

Increasingly, wealthy individuals are setting up Family Investment Companies (FICs). This is relatively simple. Assets are transferred to an offshore or UK company. The rights and obligations attaching to the shares of that company are divided between shares which carry votes only, shares which carry the right to income (dividends) only and shares which carry the right to the underlying assets (capital).

The transferor retains the voting shares and thereby controls the assets and the affairs of the company. He/she may also retain some or all of the income shares so they can receive dividends during lifetime. But the capital shares are immediately or progressively given away to family members. The gift of the capital shares would be a Potentially Exempt Transfer (PET) so would be tax free if the donor survives the gift by seven years.

We strongly recommend that anyone who has any doubt about their domicile should seek expert advice at the earliest opportunity. IHT can be planned out relatively easily – but the key to any planning is to first get certainty on domicile. There is never a convenient time to start this process and clearly many people never get round to it. The results are obvious from the headline at the start of this article. The message is: ‘Get on with it or lose it.’

Howard Bilton is an UK barrister, Chairman of The Sovereign Group and a visiting Professor at Texas A&M University.

Source: Sovereigngroup.com


Misirlis: ‘New housing measures are a step in the right direction’

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The measures announced by the Government regarding the new unified housing policy are a step in the right direction, Yiannis Misirlis, the Founding Director of Imperio Group says, while calling for them to be implemented as scheduled.

Asked by InBusinessNews to comment on the announcements on affordable housing and also to submit his suggestions for solving the major issue of housing, Misirlis said that the intervention of the state in issues such as housing is considered crucial.

“It is with particular satisfaction that we recently saw, the Ministry of the Interior’s announcement of measures, which, in fact, are in the right direction as, mainly, they aim to increase the available properties,” Misirlis pointed out.

Some of his recommendations concern the construction of new homes for rent with a specific timeline, the implementation of a special ‘Help to Buy’ state support plan which has been successfully implemented in other European countries, as well as the simplification of the procedures required for licensing.

New homes for rent with a specific time horizon

Analysing the data on the market, Misirlis explained that the high prices in real estate, for purchase and rent, are today one of the most serious challenges facing the construction sector, noting that the problem is created due to extremely reduced supply of available properties, for which there is an increased demand.

“And the lack of interest in the construction of new projects further exacerbates the problem, with a direct consequence of the increase in prices. At the same time, the demand for housing is increasing more and more, resulting in a housing issue that needs to be addressed immediately,” he added.

Yiannis Misirlis considers it necessary to take care of the construction of new houses for rent with a specific timeline, based on a study of the real needs that exist, pointing out the need until 2030 to build a certain number of houses to satisfy the great demand that exists from families, young couples, young workers, Cypriots and foreigners.

‘Help to Buy’ scheme

“It is important that these developments are built on the basis of bioclimatic planning, while it should be possible to make them available for sale through a special ‘Help to Buy’ state support scheme, which has been implemented with success in other European countries”, suggested the Founding Director of Imperio Group, noting that the announced tax and urban planning incentives are also a step in the right direction.

Simplifying licensing procedures

It is also necessary to simplify the procedures required for licensing, he went on to say.

“No one disputes that the system needs modernising and I could only welcome the recently announced measures on this serious matter, which we hope will soon be implemented to eliminate the enormous delays that arise through the existing system,” Misirlis said.

Acknowledging that measures announced by the government are a first step in the right direction, he clarified that it is necessary to implement the announcements on the basis of specific timelines announced.

Source: cbn.com.cy


Γ. Μισιρλής: Προς τη σωστή κατεύθυνση οι εξαγγελίες για στεγαστικό, μένει να γίνουν πράξη

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Πρώτο βήμα προς τη σωστή κατεύθυνση αποτελούν τα μέτρα, τα οποία εξαγγέλθηκαν από πλευράς Κυβέρνησης όσον αφορά τη νέα ενιαία στεγαστική πολιτική, υπογραμμίζει ο Founding Director του Ομίλου Imperio, Γιάννης Μισιρλής, τονίζοντας ταυτόχρονα την ανάγκη να τεθούν σε εφαρμογή οι εξαγγελίες και να γίνουν πράξη στη βάση συγκεκριμένων χρονοδιαγραμμάτων.

Κληθείς από το InBusinessNews να σχολιάσει τις εξαγγελίες για την προσιτή στέγαση αλλά και να καταθέσει τις εισηγήσεις του για επίλυση του μείζονος θέματος της στέγασης, ανέφερε ότι η παρέμβαση του κράτους σε ζητήματα όπως είναι το στεγαστικό θεωρείται καθοριστικής σημασίας.

«Είναι με ιδιαίτερη ικανοποίηση που είδαμε πρόσφατα, εκ μέρους του Υπουργείου Εσωτερικών, την εξαγγελία μέτρων, τα οποία, μάλιστα, είναι προς την σωστή κατεύθυνση καθώς, κύρια, στοχεύουν στην αύξηση των διαθέσιμων ακινήτων», επεσήμανε χαρακτηριστικά ο κ. Μισιρλής.

Ορισμένες από τις εισηγήσεις του αφορούν την κατασκευή νέων κατοικιών προς ενοικίαση με συγκεκριμένο χρονικό ορίζοντα, η εφαρμογή ενός ειδικού κρατικού σχεδίου στήριξης, τύπου «Help to Buy», που έχει εφαρμοστεί με επιτυχία σε άλλες ευρωπαϊκές χώρες, καθώς και η απλοποίηση των διαδικασιών που απαιτούνται για τις αδειοδοτήσεις.

Νέες κατοικίες προς ενοικίαση με συγκεκριμένο χρονικό ορίζοντα
Αναλύοντας τα δεδομένα στην αγορά, εξήγησε ότι οι ψηλές τιμές στα ακίνητα, για αγορά και ενοίκιο, αποτελούν σήμερα μια εκ των σοβαρότερων προκλήσεων που καλείται να αντιμετωπίσει ο τομέας των κατασκευών, σημειώνοντας ότι το πρόβλημα δημιουργείται εξαιτίας της εξαιρετικά μειωμένης προσφοράς διαθέσιμων ακινήτων, για τα οποία παρατηρείται αυξημένη ζήτηση.

«Η δε δυστοκία στην κατασκευή νέων έργων οξύνει περαιτέρω το πρόβλημα, με άμεση συνέπεια την αύξηση των τιμών. Την ίδια ώρα, η ζήτηση για κατοικίες καταγράφει όλο και μεγαλύτερη αύξηση, με αποτέλεσμα ένα στεγαστικό ζήτημα που χρήζει άμεσης αντιμετώπισης», πρόσθεσε σχετικά.

Ο Γιάννης Μισιρλής θεωρεί αναγκαία τη μέριμνα για την κατασκευή νέων κατοικιών προς ενοικίαση με συγκεκριμένο χρονικό ορίζοντα, στη βάση μελέτης για τις πραγματικές ανάγκες που υπάρχουν, επισημαίνοντας μάλιστα την ανάγκη μέχρι το 2030 να ανεγερθεί συγκεκριμένος αριθμός κατοικιών ικανοποιώντας τη μεγάλη ζήτηση που υπάρχει από οικογένειες, νεαρά ζευγάρια, νέους εργαζόμενους, Κύπριους και ξένους.

Σχέδιο «Help to Buy»
«Οι εν λόγω αναπτύξεις είναι σημαντικό να κατασκευαστούν στη βάση του βιοκλιματικού σχεδιασμού, ενώ θα πρέπει να δίνεται η δυνατότητα να διατίθενται προς πώληση μέσω ενός ειδικού κρατικού σχεδίου στήριξης, τύπου «Help to Buy», που έχει εφαρμοστεί με επιτυχία σε άλλες ευρωπαϊκές χώρες», ανέφερε ο Founding Director του Imperio Group, σημειώνοντας ότι προς τη σωστή κατεύθυνση είναι επίσης τα φορολογικά και πολεοδομικά κίνητρα που εξαγγέλθηκαν.

Απλοποίηση διαδικασιών για αδειοδοτήσεις
Αναγκαία καθίσταται επίσης η απλοποίηση των διαδικασιών που απαιτούνται για τις αδειοδοτήσεις.

«Ουδείς αμφισβητεί ότι το σύστημα χρήζει εκσυγχρονισμού και δεν θα μπορούσα παρά να χαιρετίσω τα μέτρα που εξαγγέλθηκαν πρόσφατα και γι’ αυτό το σοβαρό ζήτημα, τα οποία ελπίζουμε σύντομα να εφαρμοστούν, ώστε να εκλείψουν οι τεράστιες καθυστερήσεις που προκύπτουν μέσα από το υφιστάμενο σύστημα», επεσήμανε ο κ. Μισιρλής.

Αναγνωρίζοντας ότι μέτρα που εξήγγειλε η κυβέρνηση είναι ένα πρώτο βήμα προς την ορθή κατεύθυνση, διευκρίνισε ότι χρειάζεται, στη βάση συγκεκριμένων χρονοδιαγραμμάτων, να τεθούν σε εφαρμογή οι εξαγγελίες.

Πηγή: Inbusinessnews