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New York Times: Standard & Poor’s lifts Cyprus into investment grade

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Standard & Poor’s lifts Cyprus into investment grade

NICOSIA, Cyprus — Standard & Poor’s has raised Cyprus’ credit grade by a notch to BBB-, lifting the country back into investment grade after near-bankruptcy five years ago.

The international rating agency pointed Friday to Cyprus government efforts that have slashed the banking sector’s bad loans from around half of all loans to one-third.

It cited moves to carve out bad loans from state-owned Cyprus Co-Operative Bank that were subsequently sold to Cyprus-based Hellenic Bank, the sale of bad assets by top lender Bank of Cyprus and new legislation helping banks to further reduce such loans.

The agency said strong growth of around 3 percent of gross domestic product over the next three years will help drive down public debt. But it added that high public and private indebtedness remain a ratings constraint.

Source: The New York Times

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By | cip, Cyprus, Investment, Latest Posts

Σε δύο χρόνια ένας ακόμη επιβλητικός πύργος 21 ορόφων θα δεσπόζει του τοπίου σε μια από τις πιο προνομιούχους παράλιες περιοχές του δήμου Γερμασόγειας στη Λεμεσό.

Τα κατασκευάστηκα έργα του project της εταιρείας Imperio οποία ανήκει στο γαμπρό του προέδρου Αναστασιάδη, Γιάννη Μισιρλή, βρίσκονται σε εξέλιξη.

Ο κ. Μισιρλής, ο οποίος είναι και αναπληρωτής πρόεδρος του παγκύπριου συνδέσμου επιχειρηματιών ανάπτυξης γης και οικοδομών, δήλωσε στη StockWatch ότι «η αξία του έργου θα ανέλθει γύρω στα €90 εκ. ενώ έχει ήδη προπωληθεί το 25% των πολυτελών διαμερισμάτων».

Σύμφωνα με τον κ. Μισιρλή οι αγοραστές είναι ρώσοι, άραβες, ισραηλίτες, αλλά και κύπριοι κάτοικοι εξωτερικού.

Ο κ. Μισιρλής ανέφερε επίσης ότι το Icon, στην ολοκλήρωση του, πολύ εύκολα θα μπορεί να συγκριθεί με αντίστοιχα έργα παρόμοιου βεληνεκούς σε Λονδίνο, Παρίσι, Μαϊάμι και Νέα Υόρκη».

Πρόκειται, πρόσθεσε, για ένα εντυπωσιακό σε σχεδιασμό και προδιαγραφές κτίριο που θα κοσμεί την ακτογραμμή της Λεμεσού για τις επόμενες δεκαετίες.

Σύμφωνα με τα σχέδια του έργου, στον δέκατο όροφο θα υπάρχει μια εντυπωσιακή πισίνα και εστιατόριο με φόντο τη μεσόγειο ενώ στον ενδέκατο όροφο, έχει σχεδιαστεί το Fitness & Yoga Club με εξίσου εκθαμβωτική θέα.

Αξιοσημείωτο είναι και το γήπεδο τένις στον τέταρτο όροφο που θα βρίσκεται στη διάθεση των ενοίκων.

Οι ανέσεις που προσφέρει το Icon είναι πολυάριθμες ξεπερνώντας ακόμη και εκείνες που προσφέρουν υπερπολυτελή ξενοδοχεία με 24ωρη ασφάλεια και εξυπηρέτηση, ανέφερε ο κ. Μισιρλής.

Το Icon έχει σχεδιαστεί από την αρχιτεκτονική εταιρεία UDS Antoniades + Eleftheriou Architects.

Σημειώνεται επίσης ότι στο συγκεκριμένο χώρο υπήρχε το ιστορικό νυχτερινό κέντρο Triangle Bar, το οποίο κατεδαφίστηκε.

Ο πύργος, ο οποίος θα έχει πανοραμική θέα, θα είναι συνολικού ύψους 125 μέτρων και αναμένεται πως θα παραδοθεί τον Δεκέμβριο του 2020.

Source: Stockwatch

Bloomberg: Cyprus has become a gateway to Europe

By | cip, Cyprus, Investment, Latest Posts

Assets under management up 29% in first quarter to record high

Drawn by its location — straddling the regions of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa and with access to Eastern Europe, Russia and former Soviet republics — flexible legislation and lower costs, Asian funds are using Cyprus for their single European Union passport for investment across the bloc.

“There is an increasing trend for funds from countries who traditionally didn’t have strong economic ties with Cyprus such as China, India and even Japan, to establish a base in the country as their gateway to the EU,” Andreas Yiasemides, Vice President of the Cyprus Investment Funds Association, said in an interview in Nicosia.

The number of investment funds and assets under management have hit record highs, according to the Central Bank of Cyprus. At the end of March the number of funds rose to 123 from 110 at end December. Total assets under management rose by about 29 percent to 4.45 billion euros ($5.24 billion) from 3.45 billion euros. In Dec., 2008 there were 55 funds with 1.23 billion euros in assets under management.


Investment funds are increasingly attracted to the island

Interest for the setup and authorization by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission of alternative investment funds runs strong, its Chairwoman Demetra Kalogerou said.
“There are 60 applications at this moment for different fund structures,” she said. “Of these, 44 have been pre-approved, subject to fulfilling certain conditions.”


Flexible legislation

While Cyprus’s existing funds framework legislation applies EU directives and regulations, the country is introducing additional changes to make the island even more attractive for investors and fund and asset managers to register and manage funds, said Marios Tannousis, Board Member and Secretary of CIFA.
These include legislation that will enable investors to know from the beginning the tax regime applied to the different types of funds, a fast-track procedure for launching so-called registered alternate investment funds and the establishment of a new category of investment managers known as mini-managers who will be licensed to operate below current alternative investment fund manager thresholds, he said.

Cypriot legislation for establishing funds is much more flexible than elsewhere in Europe, but investors remain well protected, Yiasemides said. Costs in Cyprus are much lower than elsewhere in the EU and that is very important for small and medium-sized fund managers that Cyprus is seeking to lure. “We can’t become Luxembourg from day one and so we aim to attract funds that take cost into account,” he said.


Domestic investment

A physical presence in Cyprus also means funds contribute to the country’s domestic economy, renting or buying offices and paying fees to the state. They can carry out investments, especially in real estate, Yiasemides said.

Kylin Prime Fund, a Sino-European manager, established the Kylinprime Investment Fund in Cyprus as an alternative investment fund for the island’s assets. It invests in real estate, land development and infrastructure projects in Cyprus, financial assets of Cypriot companies or Cypriot organizations, such as bonds, bills issued with Cysec approval, according to its website. It is also one of the very few funds authorized to raise capital under the Cyprus citizenship by investment program, the company says.

“We are receiving inquiries for domiciling funds in Cyprus from China and India, but also from the Middle East and Europe including from Switzerland, Italy, Greece and Germany,” Tannousis said. “There is also some interest from U.K. funds managers to have back up funds in the country as their EU base, ” he said.

— With assistance by Vassilis Karamanis

Source: Bloomberg